

Apple’s new release of the iPhone6 didn’t go as smoothly as planned, but hey, they’re flexible. Literally. The new “bigger than bigger” iPhone6 has an unexpected tendency to bend under pressure. While Apple may have some explaining to do, companies such as Kit Kat and Dockers have taken to Twitter, posting witty prose of PR while poking fun at the new iPhone’s unfortunate quirk.

Kit Kat’s simple “We don’t bend, we break” is sure to gain attention while reminding us of the “give me a break” commercials we subconsciously hummed to ourselves a few years back. Clever.

Dockers tweeted an encouraging “Avoid #bendgate with our hidden security side pocket. Smart phone, meet the #SmartestKhakis ever made.”

Not all tweets were quite so harmless though, with companies such as LG, HTC, and even LeapFrog posting these competitive tweets:

LG: “Our phone doesn’t bend, it flexes… on purpose.”

HTC: “It’s not the material. It’s what you do with it.”

LeapFrog: “Built to withstand the roughest play. Yes, even sitting.” And, “Unlike grown-up bendy phones, LeapPad3 (with a shatter safe screen) is built kid-tough! #Bendgate”

It is genius, really, the way companies are using hot topics and trending hash tags to advertise. Not only is tweeting a free and instantly published medium, these simple tweets, just five to fifteen words, are guaranteed to garner attention as iPhone users and “haters” alike take to twitter to see what the world has to say about Apple’s latest flaw.

One might be influenced to eat their buyer’s regret in the form of a Kit Kat. Another might have an opportunity, still, to avoid the bend, if only they buy a pair of Dockers pants. And any of those who were considering purchasing the iPhone6 may just be swayed another direction by the crafty tweets from competing cell phone manufacturers.

Though unfortunate for Apple, the “bendgate” hash tag is turning out to be the perfect platform for companies to be heard, proving that one man’s trash (or misfortune) really is another man’s treasure.

Found through Iwastesomuchtime.com from lolnein.com

Found through iwastesomuchtime.com
from lolnein.com

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